Knowledge Share Fair for Agricultural Development and Food Security (otherwise known as "Share Fair"), being jointly organized by
Bioversity International, the
CGIAR ICT-KM program,
IFAD and
WFP, will take place next week over three days at FAO Headquarters from 20 to 22 January 2009.
This promises to be a unique, exciting event for the organizers and those in attendance, including me! It is the first time (to my knowledge) that all these international organizations - organizations in which the greatest asset is information and knowledge - will come together to discuss specifically about sharing knowledge, about making knowledge more powerful, more effective, and through this making rural development more successful and sustainable. I'm also very much looking forward to reconnecting with friends and colleagues, meeting some of my virtual collaborators in person for the first time, and expanding my KM4D network!
The Shair Fair will focus on methods, tools, lessons learned, challenges, partnerships, etc. of knowledge sharing, so as to provide practices and learning opportunities that will be of practical benefit to the multi-disciplinary audience. The achievements of projects, programmes and divisions will be presented in light of demonstrating successful knowledge sharing. There will also be special sessions applying new Web2 tools.
There is a great, short video clip on
Blip.TV in which Roxana Samii, IFAD, talks about looking forward to this event. Check it out!
I will be taking direct part in four sessions:
- K for Institutions and Partnerships: "Public-Private Partnerships: Cross-fertilisation of Knowledge"
- K for Networks and Communities of Practice: "Leveraging Connections among Networks"
- K for Rural Communication: "Mobile Telephony in Rural Areas"
- K for Institutions: "Making Networks Work Within Institutions"
and sitting in on many more!
Registration for the Share Fair is already open online. For those who can't be there, keep a look out for posts, blogs, tweets, blips, etc. on the event all next week using the "sharefair09" tag.